Programs We Offer

A student having an intese discussion with his colleagues


GATE ATC is an autonomous seminary College offering Bachelor of Theology. To be eligible for admission to the program, a candidate must obtain a pass certificate (XII) from any recognized board in India or even the Division eligibility exam.

Theology Course

Semesters' arrangement of courses.

The following table delineates the courses in the order of semesters.

1st semester (17)

2nd Semester (18)

RELB 125 - Life and teaching of Jesus (3) 

RELB 225 The Gospels (2)  

ENGL 131 - College English (3)

RELH 212 Hinduism (2+1)3 

EDUC 131 - Philosophy of Education (2) 

RELP 273 Homiletics II (2+1) 3

RELT 272 Homiletic I (3)

ENGL 132 English college II (3)

RELB 216 Genesis Gospel Account (2)

CPSC 111 Introduction to Computer Skills (2)

RELT 110 Introduction to SDA belief (3+1) 4 

HIST 125 World Civilisation (3) 

RELP 136 Church Worship and Music (2)

3rd Semester (19)

4th Semester (21)

RELT 252 The Christian and the Environment (2)

RELM 233 Introduction to Cross-Cultural Ministry (2+1)3 

HINL 125 Hindi Language (2+1) 3

RELL 272 Greek II (3) 

RELL 271 Greek I (3) 

RELP 270 Pastoral Counselling 3

RELB 302 Pentateuch (3) 

RELB 318 Research Methodology (3+1) 4

RELB 245 Hermeneutics (3) 

RELT 315 Christian Discipleship (2+1)3

RELP 321 School Ministry I (2+1) 3

RELP 322 School Ministry II (2+1) 3

RELC 214 Principles of Indian Cultures (2) 

RELB 218 Messages of the OT Writings (2)

5th Semester 

6th Semester (20)

RELH 213 Islam (3)

RELB 426 Studies in Revelation (3)

RELH 316 History of Christian Church (3) 

RELH 303 World Religion (2+1)3 

RELP 311 Youth Pastorship (2+1)3 

RELL 274 Biblical Hebrew II (3) 

RELB 425 Studies in Daniel (3) 

RELH 400 SDA History and Heritage (3+1)4 

RELL 273 Biblical Hebrew I (3) 

RELM 489 Church Growth & Church Planting (2+1) 3 

RELM 350 Personal & Public Evangelism (2+1)3 

ACCT 211 Basic Accounting (2)

RELB 352 Psalms and Wisdom Literature (2) 

RELB 331 Biblical Eschatology (2) 

7th Semester (20)

8th Semester (19)

RELB 461 The Book of Hebrews (2) 

RELM 413 Urban Ministry (2+1)3 

RELB 421 Act & New Testament Epistle (3) 

RELB 482 Biblical Theology II(3)

RELH 422 Christian Church in India (3+1)4 

RELB 450 Biblical Exegesis (3+1)4

RELB 481 Biblical Theology I(3) 

RELB 431 Hebrew Prophets (3) 

RELB 376 Biblical Archaeology (2) 

RELT 348 Christian Ethic (2)

RELP 370 Pastoral Ministry (2+1) 3

RELT439 Prophetic Ministry of Ellen White (2) 

RELP 484 Church Leadership (2+1)3

RELP 417 Prayer Ministry (2)

Field Work for Six (6) Months

A similar program is offered in different institution like Spicer Adventist University and Flaiz Adventist College. 

  • Spicer Adventist University: For more details, visit
  • Flaiz Adventist College: For more details, call +918790529567

Entrance requirements.

  1. Higher Secondary School Pass Certificate
  2. Higher Secondary School Transcript
  3. Baptism Certificate
  4. Local Church Recommendation Letter
  5. Statement of Personal Commitment

Embark on a transformative journey at GATE Adventist Theology College, where we Guide, Assist, Treat, and Educate you to become a beacon of faith and knowledge in today's world.

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